Monday, April 15, 2013

Blooming Flowers (in motion)

The form I will be using for the animation: Icosahedron

More Inspiration Photos

The theme for my stop motion animation is Bloom. I aim to depict flowers blooming and evolving through all stages, growing and blossoming.
I found inspiration in pen&ink and watercolor flowers.

Execution: I plan to start the animation by loosely brushing a light wash onto white paper, follow up by adding shadows and pen drawing on top. The initial illustration will spread to the icosahedrons I have created. After growing onto the forms, the icosahedrons themselves will turn inward to conceal the growing flowers, but they will proceed to blossom back over the forms. By the end of the animation every icosahedron will be covered.
I have also created a soundtrack in garage band to compliment my animation.